Kudos to you wifibandit; what you're doing is of immense value, and I for one greatly appreciate it.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
July 2016 CLAM videos
by wifibandit inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46pnudcub0.
"Shunning" - now a Watchtower word?
by slimboyfat ini know jws have long used the word "shun" in a general sense, as in "shun what is bad".
but i think they have long avoided using the word in relation to disfellowshipping.
in external media or literature wherever the word "shunning" was used in a piece about jws it was usually a good indication it was critical of watchtower and not a neutral or supportive commentary.
Room 215
It's a word they've consistently avoided in the past, much like their aversion to "converting" or "conversion. "
Non-JW music teacher talks about JW.org
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnzgd8oa2re .
Room 215
Here's a perfect example of how a typical "worldly" (read "normal" here) non-JW reacts when encountering JW propaganda intended mainly for the initiated.
Convention Videos: Someone messed up royally
by ILoveTTATT2 in.
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
Room 215
"I imagine that almost 100% of JW's would think that all the scenes and actors in the vids are JWs and the footage is shot by JWs, but no quite a bit is bought in footage produced and acted by "worldly people"."
That to me is the more damaging (ok, revealing! ) aspect of this video episode.....
JWs exist because...
by oldskool inone sentence answers only.. here's mine:.
jws exist because people want an escape from the modern world and are willing to give up intellectual freedom to get it..
Room 215
The fear of death and the allure of easy answers/solutions drive them into the arms of the cults.
Running ahead of Jehovah can be done with a slow walk.
by donny ina few days ago i read a post of someone who has recently awakened to what the watchtower bible and tract society really is.
in their comments, they stated that they had been accused of "running ahead of jehovah.".
"running ahead of jehovah" was a statement levied at me many times during my convoluted journey through that organization.
Room 215
I guess they've forgotten James 1:6: "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. about."
RC Was Worse Than I thought...
by JW_Rogue ini was visiting with my family and it seems the rc was worse than i thought.
now they all seem to think that "we are so close to the end" and that the "brothers are really preparing us for the gt".
some even saying that soon our message will change to a judgement message for mankind and talking about how we need to improve "everything we do".
Room 215
Boy, they're setting themselves to be a laughingstock .... the GT is their trump card,; once they announce its beginning, they've crossed the Rubicon there's no turning back... they will expend whatever's left of their credibility on that one call,,, and what do they do for an encore? .
Something you won't see on JW.org ... They discourage music education
by Greybeard inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz4tfrt1nk0&list=plcd6f28c13a0a9ac2&index=4.
Field Service Privilege Can Be Taken Away Due to Hairstyle and Tight Pants???
by Wild_Thing inmillie2105 hours agohere is something i just found out this week.former belief - field service is a publishers inalienable right new belief - field service privilege can be taken away if person styles hair or wears clothing in a way that is deemed metrosexual.i was pretty much dumbfounded.. this was posted on another thread, so i decided to start a new topic about this.
i think this is amazing!
i wish this was in place when i was a kid.
Room 215
"field service 'privileges' can be taken away?" what a great incentive to wear tight pants!
Baptized niece crowned prom queen. Could her dad loose his MS appt?
by StarTrekAngel inso my niece (not thru my brother but rather my wife) had been talking about going to her prom.
the family had privately been somewhat doubtful that she would be allowed to go.
the problem was that they kept promising she would be allowed but history has shown us that her parents tend to get her excited about things and then drop the denial on her at the last minute.
Room 215
Lose his position as MS?: he should be so lucky!